Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dry Pana on Sundays...

Went to the grocery store today to buy the items I need for Christmas dinners. I didn't want to be caught in the mess of the Christmas Eve rush! Anyway, I needed White Wine Vinegar for a salad I'm taking to Grandma Vincent's Tuesday. Get to the check out, the girl scans it and it rejects it, tells me I can't have it! It has alcohol in it and Pana is a dry town on Sunday--no alcohol sales anywhere!!! Oh! My! Gosh! I insisted I was using it to cook with, not to drink. I also insisted I was not coming back on Christmas Eve!!! The manager (thankfully) over-rode the machine and I got my White Wine Vinegar! Who on earth would drink that anyway!?!?!?

Just had to share my funny!

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